Or do they?
As a collective the Notre Dame Students Body loves to stand during the football games, but Notre Dame Students individually do not like to stand at football games one bit. Whether you call it a collective action problem or blatant peer pressure, Notre Dame Students secretly hate to stand at football games and only do it because everybody else is.
Notre Dame Student’s hatred of standing at football games is most frequently seen at halftime of the games. It is not evidenced by the students actually sitting down (because this would obviously happen) but in the swift and decisive way that students lower themselves to the bleachers. As soon as the halftime whistle blows, students sit down as if their legs are going to fall off if they do not. Students will then remain sitting throughout halftime, unless the band happens to play a song that they like (see #9 and #51).
The most obvious proof that Notre Dame Students actually prefer sitting down during football games however, can be seen once these students graduate and become alums. If the individuals who make up the Notre Dame Student Body really did love to stand, then the alums who have graduated would also love to stand. However, most of Notre Dame Stadium is filled with alums who like to sit, and students who look forward to the day when they will graduate and finally be able to sit at football games.