Notre Dame Students love to do things that they consider to be SO COLLEGE. These things usually involve drinking, or drinking related shenanigans. More often than not they involve drinking events such as the “Beer Olympics” or generic drinking events such as keg races, case races, beer pong tournaments, and the most college thing: Day Drinking.
Notre Dame Students love day drinking, but because they are so busy with all the other things that they like, they day drink infrequently. To make up for lost time, Notre Dame Students make every day drinking event into something that is SO COLLEGE. To do this, Notre Dame Students try to imitate events that their more College state school friends do.
This past weekend, Notre Dame Students partook in the annual day drinking event called PigTostal. At this event, a group of students purchases a lot of kegs and charges a lot of money for what amounts to a glorified house party where it is nearly impossible to get beer quickly (unless, of course you write an awesome blog). Notre Dame Students love to think that this party is their equivalent of Unofficial St. Patrick’s Day at Illinois, Little 500 at Indiana, or Halloween at Wisconsin, but the fact is that those schools probably have multiple parties on the same level as PigTostal on ANY GIVEN NIGHT.
This is why Notre Dame Students love doing things that are SO COLLEGE (like PigTostal or the Lafayette Apartments St. Patrick’s Day Party–see above) because they believe they are reaching a level of partying that rivals their state school counterparts. The only difference is, at Notre Dame these things are few and far between, making them noteworthy occurrences when they happen, and not a standard weekend.
This has to be the greatest blog ever! Can you please get twitter so I can follow you there since I don't have a blog myself. You can give updates as to when you write a new blog.
ReplyDeletebob, you are SO COLLEGE. and by SO COLLEGE, I mean a tool.
ReplyDeleteI just want to say, having been an undergrad at Notre Dame, and now a grad student at IU, that Pigtostal is BY FAR the best college party around. Little 5 is a joke compared to the Pig.
ReplyDeleteLittle 500 a joke compared to PigTostal?! Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed my days at ND but you've got to be kidding.! The dozen kegs a few wanna-be SO COLLEGE kids at Notre Dame put down on that week wouldn't get some REAL COLLEGE kids from an IU frat through an average weekend, much less the 500. When was the last time you saw ten thousand people turn out for a party at ND?
ReplyDeleteIU grad student--if you really believe that Pigtostal is superior to the week-long slew of parties that is Little 500, then you are definitely not making the most of your time in B-town! Put down the books for one week in April and take a look around. Trust me.
ReplyDeleteThe Laf party was way better than tostal this year.
ReplyDeleteNotre Dame hearts Tate Forcier
ReplyDeleteiPhone cases
ReplyDeletehahaha look at all these nd kids getting defensive about their school. so gay. it is ok guys. you are all, TOTALLY COLLEGE!
ReplyDeletenever visited nd, but i go to osu... i'm pretty sure you guys don't have a police helicopter that breaks up parties weekly. you haven't partied until you've been chased by the ghetto bird yelling at you through a loud speaker.
ReplyDeletehalloween in madison is insane, i'd find it hard to believe that anything can rival that. tens of thousands of college students, as well as thousands of high schoolers and adults flocking to the same place for a night
ReplyDeleteHey Bob, I hope you take a Notre Dame dick so far up your Notre Dame asshole that they kick you out of school. That would be SO college.
I heard Notre Dame kids like to write faggoty blogs
Deletei heard notre dame kids like to fuck eachother's dads.
ReplyDeletethings notrde dame kids like: disguising homosexuality with exaggerated football fandom and sardonic wit... you fucking closet case.
DeleteI heard Domers masturbate to their own degrees
ReplyDeleteOf course! The best part is when you sit there and watch because they own whatever company you work for.
DeleteThat's kind of weird that all these company owners that must have gone to Notre Dame would be comfortable with their employees watching them do that.